Ease 3 - Body was a limited edition print of 15

Ease Magazine (est 2020) is a collection of writing and imagery started by Aja Joi Grant.

In 3 issues so far, and a 4th coming in summer 2024, the main goal has been to highlight black femme voices, identity, presence and self gratitude. Memory, expansion, black beauty and self defined grace are all themes that get expounded on with any given model, all of which are local Cleveland community members. Work is place based, meaning it is specific on the location and drawing its richness from the context of place. Cleveland has been raked as the worst and most harsh city for Black women, how are we handling this reality? How can we see ourselves beyond self imposed boxes and societal labels? How do we engage with world building in our own communities and families? I explore these questions through highlighting the multitudes of being that come in front of my camera. I do not see people as one dimensional or monolithic, but layers of experiences, perspectives, thoughts, ideas, wishes and dreams. I also photograph men and non PoC but Black women most definitely take a precedent in my work. This work is a shout out to ease in the lives of Black women, a call to bringing smooth transitions to acceptance, boldness, truth and order.

Ease 2 - salt + honey available on blurb.com

Ease 1 - Divine Femme available on blurb.com