Image by McKinley Wiley

book a shoot with me here

“The camera gave me an incredible freedom. It gave me the ability to parade through the world and look at people and things very, very closely.” - Carrie Mae Weems

Photography allows me to slow down in a fast moving world, learning the movement on light and shadows on someone’s face, utilizing the magic of portraiture. People have told me that they were able to see a different part of themselves through our creative portrait session, and I adore seeing someone’s quiet complexity unfold in the photo. - Aja

As a Cleveland-based photographer, Aja Joi Grant aims to create conversation and dialogue around the unseen, creating links to the beauty and power of our individual beings. Utilizing various mechanisms such as digital media, film, and printmaking, she captures the unique features that make up individual identity. As a tool for narration, these moments captured provide insight to the many different chapters in our collective stories.
She currently works in art education teaching digital and film photography, utilizing community outreach in the classroom. She also curates Photo Poets, a Cleveland specific street photography feature in CAN Journal, and has her own collection of photo magazines under the title of Ease, which releases 2x a year. 
community building and collaboration are huge motivators for her, as a means to make art accessible and cultivate important community conversations. 

book a shoot with me here